Sunday, August 17, 2008

What's the Deal with Michael Phelps' Speech?

My mom thought this should be the title of my first post and even though I didn't make it the first, I couldn't resist posting about it anyway. No doubt that Michael Phelps is an amazing swimmer but you may have noticed that his speech leaves a bit to be desired. Without having spoken to him personally I can't really define the issue other than the noticeably severe under-bite. I guess the moral of the story is: if your kids need braces, get them! And if they need speech therapy, get that too! You never know when they'll appear on television for millions of viewers. :)


Brooke and Brett Martin said...

Jessica- I'm sure you could work wonders with Michael Phelps. HE IS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!
This speech blog is a parents' dream. I'm so glad you started it. I now know what to tell people when they are concerned...just go to JUST SPEECHY!!

Emily Lauren said...

I love the new blog Jessica! What a good idea, and the name is just as clever :) Keep the info comin :)
Also wanted your opinion- I'm debating where to do my school and non-school internships this year (I'm doing a diagnostic rotation this fall, my school internship in the spring, and my non-school internship in the summer). I was thinking a hospital for my non-school one, but I'm not sure anymore. . . Any suggestions?